Laughter Yoga

Meta 1111 is the only place in the city of Montreal that you can find a weekly Laughter Yoga group. Join our warm and welcoming group at Laughter FIT for this uniquely fun, liberating, and therapeutic workout of your body and mind, and connect with contagiously kind Laughletes!

We all know how to laugh. But somewhere along the road from childhood to adulthood our laughter gets buried beneath our busy and stressful lives, denying us of the immense health and wellness benefits it has to offer us. Laughter Yoga is a simple yet very powerful form of exercise that anybody can do any time, anywhere. But why laughter as a form of exercise?
Science has proven that the body reaps all the wonderful benefits of laughter whether it is real or fake. With the use of the breath, improvisation, and childlike playfulness, laughter is gently introduced. And it doesn’t take long to discover that when practiced in a group, the laughter quickly becomes natural, easy, refreshing, and highly contagious. Its effects organically carry over into your day and life.

About the Practice of Laughter Yoga

Laughter Yoga is a unique, simple and fun exercise designed to make you laugh heartily, and to your heart’s content! When practiced in a group setting, fake, or improvised laughter quickly turns into genuine, contagious belly laughs. Laughing on command can be difficult at first, but we release the judges that sit perched on our shoulders and allow ourselves to be less serious and play! In the process, we discover (or rediscover) our smile, our breath, and our joyful selves. Laughter is interspersed with information about the plethora of health and wellness benefits to be gained from it, and tool on how to use laughter as a wellness tool.
You do not need to bring a yoga mat. The laughter part is the exercise. The yoga part refers to our breath. Breathing is our life source, and there is no better way to inhale deeply and exhale completely than with a great big belly laugh.

The Benefits of Laughter Yoga

Laughter Yoga was introduced in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria in Mumbai, India. His vision to increase health and happiness with his patients inspired him to create a Laughter Club. With time, the title of “Laughter Club” was replaced with “Laughter Yoga”.

Today, it is an exercise practiced worldwide. As a result of scientific studies conducted on the socio-wellbeing and physical benefits of laughter, Laughter Yoga is now practiced in schools, hospitals, senior homes, fitness and community centers. Those benefits can include: an improved ability to adopt a positive attitude; muscle relaxation, decreased stress levels, connects people and breaks isolation, and deep breathing, just to name a few. 

LAUGHTER yoga SESSIONS in Montreal

Join us to experience the joy of laughter, improve your health (both mind and body), and connect with like-minded people. There is no better space to practice Laughter Yoga than the beautiful Meta 1111.

Meta 1111 is conveniently located on Queen-Mary street, 5 minutes by foot from Snowdon metro station and close to Highway 15.